
Friday, I'm in love...

SPEAKERDOG POWER IS HERE. YESSS, if you guys haven't see this place its amazing. Speakerdog.com is a site started up by the very much epic senor Ben the Illustrator, and they've got some awesome paper toys, with 5 different series to choose from. Each paper dog is tagged up by a different artist, and they all look so fresh. AND PART OF THAT NEW FIFTH SERIES, IS YOURS TRULY... with Ranas and El Pompis! It was an honor and so fun tryin to figure out something for this lil project, and really the thing i love the most about these speakerdogs is that they're totally free to download! It seems that paper toys are really starting to pick up some steam, i've been seeing more and more of them lately, with very creative architectural thought put into them. Anyhow, check out the series five designs, i'm the tenth dog down to the right, but if you wanna download it right away, HERE IS WHERE TO CLICK. The file is about 1mb, and a pdf file, so get yer printer ready for some speaker dog love! And remember kids, get your parents to help you with these! THEY CAN BE TRICKY TO CUT OUT. Specially his hair! You might want an exacto blade!


Lindsay said...

That is so sweet!

Anonymous said...

Aha! thats dope!