
Between the lines...

I've been waiting many many weeks to let this bit of news loose, but yes... i've been given the epic opportunity to draw short comics for AniCoz magazine! Its a fresh lil chicago based cosplay magazine that is picking up heavy winds. I hope that makes sense... what i mean to say is, its blowing up very fast. The mag shows off people's costumes of different anime/manga/game characters, which they were to anime conventions, coupled up with reviews of thoe cons across the US, its a pretty neat magazine, not to mention the list of upcoming conventions on the back cover! Something i wish i had when i was younger.

I met the lovely creator and chief editor of the mag many moons ago at a small anime con out here in the burbs (the-reactor.org), and we got to talkin a bit online here n there, and after the first couple issues, somehow it came about that maybe i should do a short, cute comic for the kids to read. So i took advantage of the opportunity and put together a 2 page comic showcasing my lil bread peoples, sally and frenchee. So far it seems to be receiving great reviews, people are liking the addition to the magazine, so thats really exciting. I've got a second one brewing in my noggin, so hopefully i can get that done soon. If you wanna pick up a copy (only 5 bones!) just click up on the picture of the mag, and click on the purchase link on the left! OR, just go to EGSA or Fast Food Anime! They've got a lot of fresh pics in there, and even a tutorial on how to make a werewolf costume.. pretty rad stuff!

As for other stuff, i havent been doing much of anything lately. It sucks when you totally cant recall doing anything of importance. I know i've been workin on the new design for entervoid.com, but shit... besides silly sketches in my book, i havent really done much productive. One or two pages for the book i'll be travelling around with at conventions, but thats about it. I gotta start busting ass fo sho.

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