
Desperté - Cafe Tacvba

Amigos, I've been gone far too long.
But for good reason!

Apart from school dominating my brain, new jobs have kicked in, and most of them are very epic.
I'm now coloring THE SPIRIT for DC Comics, so that has taken up a lot of my time, as well as other books i will link to when they are available.

For now, please enjoy a lil sketch love from me to you.
A taste of what you can look forward to, if you pick up my sketchbook at WonderCon this April!


Standing to Reason said...

hi, my name's sarah, just wanted to say thanks for the sketch you gave me at panera the other day, it was really sweet, made my night. i really like your work, i think you'll definitely go places, looks like you already are.

anyway, thanks again, and good luck with all you're doing.

Unknown said...

hey dude, nice sketch. Wish I could have made it to wondercon and caught up with ya. Well, good luck with everything.

Standing to Reason said...

haha did she take a pic of it? oh kristin. she's a funny one. hope that didn't freak u out too much.